Technical Supervision
One of the most basic needs of Investors and Operators is the auditing and periodic inspection of their suppliers based on well-defined technical requirements. Whether the given project is the establishment of a new technological plant, the development, expansion or reconstruction of the existing infrastructure, possibly a greenfield investment, one of the most important requirements nowadays is to put the invested capital to work, i.e. to put the facility into operation as soon as possible. Commissioning can only take place if the technical handover is completed with satisfactory results, if the Manufacturers and Contractors fulfill their obligations in their contracts.
When providing technical supervision, the most important task is to ensure that the interests of the Client are fully enforced and that possible missed project deadlines and organizational anomalies are brought to the surface as soon as possible. In order to properly monitor project progress, it is essential to organize continuous technical supervision. In the field of technical supervision, I have put together the following service package for my existing and future Customers:
- Development of a technical supervision plan based on the system of technical specifications provided by the Customer and the legal, regulatory and standard requirements,
- organization and management of project kickoff meetings, organization of coordination meetings if required,
- introducing the technical supervision plan to Manufacturers and Contractors,
- developing specific audit plan(s) for supplier audits and handing them over to the Stakeholders,
- conducting supplier audits, continuous supervision of on-site work and keeping the mid-production/contractor inspections in documented form.
The above list can of course be expanded according to individual needs, as there may be significant differences in the technical specification system of projects, the specific needs of Investors and Operators, and the quality culture of Manufacturers and Contractors. If you are interested in my technical supervision services, feel free to search through my contact information or click on the request a quotation button, or if you want to know more about the other areas in which I am available, you can find more information by clicking on the services menu.